Friday, July 6, 2007

Shedding Inches

I am excited! Ok, after baby number three and the eighty pounds that I thought I would never shed, it is finally happening! This morning I tried on a pair of size 12 pants and they fit! YEAH!!! I don't know that I can contribute it to my workouts exactly. I think it has more to do with me just being busy all the time. But either way, I don't care right now. The fact of the matter is I haven't been able to wear these pants for 1 1/2 year! So that's my excitement and motivation for the day. Just got to keep moving. Seeing how I have an over-flowing plate at times that shouldn't be to hard. Fitting in a workout with the kids will be challenging but I just have to get creative. Use them as weights, play some football or something like that. Looking forward to an afternoon bike ride too. WOO HOO!!!


Kristen Blessing Madl said...

Yea!!!!!!!! You have been waiting for this moment! Congrats girl! I told you that you look great! See, you got to where you wanted to be and you deserve to be thrilled, I know I would be. Great news!

Fat 2 Fit said...

Awesome! I hope to someday be back in size 12 too!! Congrats! THe bike trailer is a great tool, and all exercise is exercise! :)

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

Awesome! That's great work!!