Friday, July 13, 2007


I have to say that running relays in the yard with the kids is a great way to exercise! I'm not a very good runner. Pretty slow and awkward looking but I guess that it doesn't bother me so much when I'm running with my kids. And wow...great way to get cardio. We were doing sprints and we all had a lot of fun. Which of course only translates into doing it again.

I was able to go biking two more times this week. Like I said, only three miles but I do try to push myself the whole way. I usually make a 3 mile trek then go to the park for the kids. I don't count the ride back to the house as it's only a few blocks. I think the kids are getting into it which may mean I can take longer bike rides with them. So long as there is a park involved they don't seem to mind.

So wish me luck, maybe I'll win my next relay! :) LOL

1 comment:

Kristen Blessing Madl said...

Sounds like a blast, although I too, suck at running...I used to be a great runner but weight and age changed that. I know just running in the yard with Hayden gives me some good cardio also...Maybe he can make me young again too...smiling!