Friday, August 17, 2007

The Mile...

I have to say that I am not really a runner. If anything I just jog if I go out. Well, for the first time in at least two years I went out jogging this morning. For some reason the pavement was just beckoning me. So at 5:30am this morning I rolled out of bed (yes, willingly!) and put my running shoes on for this event. I only went 1 mile. Yes, that's right, one mile. I know not really far but it's a start. I have to say that I use to do this all the time and had forgotten how much I enjoy going out and exercising in the morning. Especially when I get back and the house is still quiet. This is my first real workout, aside from karate, in weeks. It felt good. I can feel that my knee is a little sore so I don't know if I'll be doing that often. But I can't imagine once in a while it would be so bad. I won't even mention my time. NAA has me beat hands down I'm sure! :)


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

I doubt it, I'm so slow, but am improving.

I think it's great that you ran! Just take note of how your knee feels each time and take it slow. You may surprise yourself and be running more in no time!

Kristen Blessing Madl said...

Woohoo! Way to go!! I'm not sure how much more you are trying to lose girl, your getting skinny! Take it easy on your knees, my dad was a jogger and his knee went kaput and as you already know, he had a knee replacement...yikes!

He can never run again unfortunately. Just listen to it when it hurts and slow down..You look fantastic!

By the way, no, I haven't cut my hair yet but very soon...can't wait!

Fat 2 Fit said...

Good for you! I really wish I could get up that early. I would love an early morning swim or bike - just can't seem to do it though. Careful with knee - how old are your shoes?