Saturday, June 9, 2007

Towing Kids

Wow, what a busy week. Sometimes it's a llittle overwhelming how busy it can be. I did get out on the bike again this week. However I could only go for a 3 mile ride. I was towing kids and they weren't about to sit any longer. That's ok though, at least I got out right? There's been plenty of yard work and kids to run around after this week. I think that I got my cardio in and that's a good thing. Not to mention how many times I had to climb the stairs for one thing or another. I would think that as many times as I did climb the stairs this week I would have buns of steel! :)

I did go out and purchase a new bike trailer for the kids this week. I decided that if I was going to be able to get on the road more often that I would have to invest in a bike trailer that was dependable. So that's what I did. This one is quite the upgrade from the old one I had and I'm very happy with it. So no more excuses about not being able to go cause I can't take the kids. With the new bike trailer and the kids outfitted with the proper saftey gear hitting the road is definately easier. Looking forward to another bike ride today. Stay tuned! :)


Kristen Blessing Madl said...

Your doing GREAT! Having the bike trailer will be a great asset to your exercise program. Plus, the little guy is old enough and strong enough now to sit in it.

My little one won't be ready for a bike trailer for quite some time but that is okay for this summer. We have many other plans in the works, not cardio so much but fun things!!

Your really doing awesome and I'm proud of you!!You have the world in your hands and your a lucky gal!!!...smiling at you!

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

I wonder how many more calories you burn pulling kids on your bike!!!

Fat 2 Fit said...

wow FM! :) I know it is hard to pull the chitlins! especially when they start screaming & hollering.. if you are crazy like me you start loading the darn thing up.. they need water.. and toys.. how about a book or 2.. LOL it's awesome! Keep it up! We will be over soon with Bike trailer also.