Monday, June 4, 2007

The Begining

Ok, so I'm a novice when it comes to blogs but here I am starting one at the urging of a friend who will remain anonymous. You know who you are!:) Why am I doing this? Because having support to motivate myself when getting fit helps me. My goal is to ride the Wish-A-Mile bike tour in 2008. It's a tall order but why not try, right?

I have purchased a new road bike for the training and this event. Nothing fancy, just functional. There are a few other things on my list that I'm sure will trickle into the house as the summer starts to pass. Trust me when I say that I have a running list. When it all comes down to it though, it doesn't really matter unless I get on the bike and start riding.

So Saturday was my first real bike ride in a long time. 8.5 miles in 30 minutes. The route was pretty flat too. Ok, so it's a little short, slow, and easy but I have to start somewhere. I have to say that it felt pretty good! I'm looking forward to doing it again soon. I think that I will set up some type of weekly schedule to help keep me on track and motivated. Wish me luck!


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

That is awesome!! Congrats on getting started, and what a great time to do so: SUMMER! Keep it up, we will be here to support you.

Kristen Blessing Madl said...

Great job!!! I'm impressed! Of course, envious also but mostly just thrilled for you! You'll be a true athlete when it is all said and done and everyone will be so proud of you! Go for it girl! Love you bunches!

Fat 2 Fit said...

You Rock Girl! I think some wise-guy once said every journey starts with the first step... or something like that. Keep it up! Woo Hoo! Wish I could fit into some thinner pants, at least I am back into pre-2nd baby pants I guess that's a start! :)