Friday, June 15, 2007

Sleep needed

Ugh! What a busy week! Getting workouts in on weeks like this is not only challenging, it's damn near impossible. I was reduced to just doing some walking. At lest it's keeping me moving. The bike ride I took with my kids two days ago doesn't really count becuase it was so short. I've been trying to do some ab workouts since I haven't been able to get the cardio in as much this week. I should be doing those anyway so it's probably good that I had this week to do that. Now I just need to balance the two. Looking to have that summer beach body by next year so wish me luck. After kids it's not easy. But that's one of those personal goal things. Fortunately today is somewhat slower in pace so I went for nice bike ride with kids in tow. It was three miles, that seems to be the tolerance level right now. Hopefully by end of summer I can go longer with them.
Being busy is a good thing but sometimes you can be a little too busy. Trying to cram 36 hours in to 24 doesn't work and forgoing sleep only kills the motivation to do any workout. I am glad to see the end of this week coming to a close and trying to put everything back on track. Getting a decent night's sleep will be key to bringing up my motivation to hit the pavement. So that's what I plan on doing this weekend. Actually try to get in eight hours of sleep instead of four. Here's to a good night sleep.


Kristen Blessing Madl said...

Your doing awesome no matter what and you already have a beach body lady!!Your right though, some good rest will get you back on track, don't overdo it, you have all the time in the world to lose weight.

Your so close to your goal anyways. We don't want to see you get burned out or have an injury because your over doing it. (lack of sleep can lead to injury) That would really be no fun.

I still think you are supermom and doing wayyyy better than I am. You have the motivation though and I think it is wonderful. I'll get there in time.

I can't worry about it right now anyways, life is going to get really busy, really fast and I won't have time.

I do admire you so much, you are doing fantastic!!!

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

don't beat your self up if you miss workouts because of life. As long as you get back at it, it'll all be good. :)

Fat 2 Fit said...

Hey, at least you haven't given up! Not getting much in this week either we had a wedding, father's day with the shopping etc. to prep.... AND I took my bike and left it with STRANGERS (!?!?!?!)
so no judgement from here! Keep up the awesome work!