Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ode to Ben & Jerry

How cold you are, sneeking into my house
with all the grandeur your pint size can manage!
But alas I succumb to your sinfulness,
how you satifsy me so...your creamy texture is heaven.
One delicious bite after another is magic,
making me crave you more.
I relish each and every flavor realizing that it
is a perilous doom.
Knowing that every bit separtes me farther from
my goal, but I care not....I eat on in reckless abandon.
What power you have over me you
pint size saboteur!

Ok, enough! In my defense I have done laps in the pool for 1/2 hour, rode 5 miles (I know, I need to be going farther...I'll get there!) and 90 mintues of karate. And that was just yesterday. Today I've already been out for a brisk walk. I still have plenty of time to get more exercise in today! I know that it doesn't come close to working off the cals that I took in over the weekend, but it's a start. I'm not going to be inviting Ben & Jerry back into my house for quite a while!


Non-Athletic Athlete said...


I so am on your page, but it's not Ben & Jerry's for me. We all have our weaknesses, but as long as it's not a daily activity, enjoy it once in a while and then move on!

Kristen Blessing Madl said...

Ben & Jerry's is a weakness for me also...(Can you say,"HALF BAKED" To die for!)...well, now that I think about it, so is ALL sugar and carbs!HAHA

Fat 2 Fit said...

Well, you can blame me! Although I only had a small bit of it this weekend ;)

Thanks again for the hike, the laughable run (on my part) and the fun weekend. :)