Thursday, October 4, 2007

Been A While...

I haven't been on my bike in weeks! It's pathetic really. But I am happy to say that last week and this past weekend I was able to go for three different bike rides. Not as long as I would have like becuase the kids only tolerate so much. All total I probably only biked about twenty miles. I'm happy with that. I guess I figure if at least I got out there then it's all good!

I know that I attend karate pretty regularly but we are always training of various things. Because it gets switched up there are times some of the things we train in don't happen for a while. Bow form would be one of those things that I haven't done in a while. So Monday was the first night in about 7 weeks that I have picked up my bow to train. It's not like I was great at it to begin with and Monday when I picked it up I was rusty on top of that. Let me tell you that whirling around, striking and blocking with a six foot stick is harder than it looks. I have the bruises to show for it! :) Becuase of striking and blocking techniques I now sport bruises on my left arm (about 4 inches in diameter), my right shoulder (about 3 inches in diameter), and my right knee (about 2 inches in diameter). If you haven't guessed it, my problem is in my control! lol I need some so that I don't beat the hell out of myself! Needless to say I took the night off on Wednesday.

Which leads to the other activity I haven't done in a while: hiking. Now, ordinarily I am not sore from hiking but that is when I do it more often and am not backpacking a kid. I realize my little one may only be 23 lbs. but after an hour hiking up and down sand dunes two consecutive days in a row, I'm a little sore. Not my legs so much but my shoulders. Oh well...

I can't complain though, I have gotten three really good workouts in in three days. It feels awesome, if not a little sore. So even though I haven't done these things in a while I do plan to do them more often.

On a side note, I just started practicing with my nunchucks. Quite exciting really! Wish me luck that I don't beat myself up to much. Though I have to say, so far so good.


Fat 2 Fit said...

Awesome! I wish we had better outdoor recreation areas around here. There is definately a reason that the big D is nearly (or possibly IS) the fattest city in the US, or the world....

Sounds like you need some serious body armor for class. ? :)

Kristen Blessing Madl said...

Great job!! Your getting plenty of exercise! No worries for you! At least your at the size you want to be, lucky dog...I'll take your metabolism any day!

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

Take advantage of the weather while you can! Great job on the variety too, that's so important for not getting bored.

Now to planning for what you are going to do INDOORS this winter! ;)