Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Wow, can you believe it? They actually gave me a new weapon at karate tonight! Not that I know anything on how to use it. I will probably beat myself up more than anything else. LOL I am excited though- my first pair of nunchucks. How cool is that? I already have a bow that I am finally learning to use without injuring myself as much. Not proficient at it yet but I hope to be some day. It won't be too long before I am training on the nunchucks so I'm geeked. I am sure that I will sport some nice bruises to show for it too. :)

I also refereed my first katarte match tonight. I sucked but that was ok, it's all about learning and they were trying not to get me too confused. All good! Just had to share!


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

I love hearing about your karate. I never knew they incorporated weapons into your training, but that makes sense. I just never though about it before! Anyway, maybe you should wear a helmet or something at first. ;)

Fat 2 Fit said...

Yes, a helmet might be a good thing.... One with a face shield so you don't get a black eye?? ;)

I pity the person that gets you ticked off!

Kristen Blessing Madl said...

That sounds so fun, my uncle had a pair of nunchucks when I was growing up and I used to beat my self black and blue trying to use them...They were fun but definately hurt A LOT!!Way cool girl!!