Thursday, July 3, 2008

Not So Saddle Sore

Yep, I've actually been on my bike enough so that my bum isn't quite so sore. That is a good thing! I know that the tour coming up is a big one but all I seem to have time to ride is about 10 miles or so. Not much on a bike I know. However, with everything else gong on I can't seem to fit in any longer rides at the moment. I'm hoping that by at least getting on my bike daily that it will help....evidence being soreness almost nonexisitent. I try to ride at a sprint pace when I'm doing this and having the bike trailer behind me when I ride feels like pulling a sail. It certainly helps build some leg strength. Other than that it's the usual traing that I've been doing and preping my gear for the ride. I now sport new padded bike shorts and gloves. My bike handles are finally adjusted at a height and distace that works well for me. So things are certainly coming together! Only 3 weeks to go!


Kristen Blessing Madl said...

You will do just great!!

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

You know 100 miles at an easy pace really sounds more daunting than it really is. But you nailed it on the head with the hardest part. Butt soreness. I recommend packing some "Chamois Butter" just incase you start to have chaffing issues after a long ride, otherwise you'll be miserable. That and some Ibuprophen. ;)

Fat 2 Fit said...

Yay for good shorts! I have heard that you can use bag balm instead of butt butter... but I think I will go with the butt butter myself. :) The gloves are nice too.. I am starting to wear out the pair I got at the end of last season already... wow....

I think that the frequent rest breaks will help us a lot too. I personally would like to stop at each and every rest stop even if only for 5 minutes to walk around and get blood back to where it hasn't been getting too... :)