Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ode to Ben & Jerry

How cold you are, sneeking into my house
with all the grandeur your pint size can manage!
But alas I succumb to your sinfulness,
how you satifsy me so...your creamy texture is heaven.
One delicious bite after another is magic,
making me crave you more.
I relish each and every flavor realizing that it
is a perilous doom.
Knowing that every bit separtes me farther from
my goal, but I care not....I eat on in reckless abandon.
What power you have over me you
pint size saboteur!

Ok, enough! In my defense I have done laps in the pool for 1/2 hour, rode 5 miles (I know, I need to be going farther...I'll get there!) and 90 mintues of karate. And that was just yesterday. Today I've already been out for a brisk walk. I still have plenty of time to get more exercise in today! I know that it doesn't come close to working off the cals that I took in over the weekend, but it's a start. I'm not going to be inviting Ben & Jerry back into my house for quite a while!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Lovin' Spring

Ok, it's been a long winter and I am definately ready for this spring/summer. It has been so nice to be outside! I have been trying to get in some good cardio outside now as oppose to the gym. Hiking is wonderful!! In the last week I've hiked four days! It felt awesome! The warm weather, sun, nice breeze and a toddler on my back, what more can you ask for? Yes, spring has arrived!!

I've been trying to keep up on swimming at least once a week. It's easier now that my 3 year old has to go for a swim class. I can do 1/2 hour of laps while she is participating in her class. And because I don't want her to miss a class I will make much more effort to be there. Motivation comes in many forms. :)

On top of that I finally took my bike in to have a longer stem put on the handlebars. What a difference that makes. I took it for a short spin and I can already tell that my neck won't bother me as much. They tuned it up for me also. Now there are no excuses! I'm loooking forward to putting some miles on it now. Between the hiking, swimming, karate and bike rides I really hope to boost my fitness level. Now I just have to stick with it!