Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Bum!

Was able to get a three workouts in this week and I feel pretty good about that. I made myself get on the bike...I'm not fond of the stationary bike. Bet you couldn't tell. :) However I think it went good. I'm working on my cardio/endurance issue and have found that another one has cropped up. It's my tush. Funny how it's sore from sitting on that bike seat for a while. I definately need to get my butt on that bike more often! Got to get those calluses built up. :)


Non-Athletic Athlete said...

yeah it definitely takes time to build that up....


Kristen Blessing Madl said...

I have to agree, stationary bike is not my favorite either but more power to you! Great job!

Fat 2 Fit said...

It does get better! :)
I have to say though, I find the stationary bikes are worse than a real bike!

You REALLY need to get good padded bike shorts for this ride. YOu also will need some Bag Balm for the chamois... and some other things I'll try to remember to tell you too. :)